Saturday, June 20, 2009

I Stand Corrected in my View of Twitter

In light of the events unfolding right now in Iran I stand corrected in my previous assessment of Twitter as being a benign e-technological bit of frivolity. Certainly – its true importance has been born out.

Matt’s Mother and Sister are here visiting. His sister left Iran on Election Day. Their family is safe although there are a lot of demonstrations not far from their home near the city. We have had some calls earlier in the week but we fear the lines are down today. We have watched CNN’s coverage off and on all day today. It is very different getting this from their prospective.

Tonight we are off to a party to celebrate their visit with family – it will be a gathering of mixed emotions I am sure. This is Shani’s first visit to the States and already I love her. She is so wonderful, talented, funny, sweet and smart.

Please if you can, pray for the highest good to prevail for Iran’s people. If you do not pray perhaps you can meditate on that. It is so very important.

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